miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

VSTHost - Free

A program to run VST-compatible PlugIns.

It's a VST-compatible host that's capable of::

-loading VST effects (aka "plugins")
-parameterizing / editing them
-sound output for VSTis
-MIDI-input and -output
-loading / saving .fxb / .fxp files
-I/O through either Windows MME or ASIO drivers
-Wave Player / Recorder
-MIDI Player

While the program started mainly as an aid in understanding and debugging VST plugins,
it has evolved into a quite capable program by now which can be really helpful in a
keyboard artist's Live setup.

The current VSTHost version for x86 (i.e., 32-bit code)
Runs on 32- and 64-bit-Windows versions from Windows 2000 up.

Download here::


More files are available for the current version::




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